Catherine Dickens

Principal Consultant
Strategic Health Communications Consultancy, UK

Catherine is a registered nurse with several certified cancer qualifications and has worked in information and support for people affected by cancer for nearly fifteen years, much of this time in the charity sector, although prior to this she worked in oncology in the NHS. She has an MBA, which included research into organizational strategic management and international marketing. She works as a freelance consultant in the UK charity sector and also has a diploma as a Birth & Early Parenthood Adult Education Practitioner and provides courses for the NCT (National Childbirth Trust) in the UK.  She is also Trustee and Deputy Chair for the College of Sex and Relationship Therapy.

Catherine headed the Cancer Information Services strategy for Macmillan Cancer Relief, establishing the first Mobile Cancer Information Service, and managing partnerships between the National Health Service (NHS) and voluntary organisations to deliver locally available, high quality, information and support services for over seven years. Prior to this she was Head of Cancerbacup’s CIS and published one of the early evaluations of CIS.

She is one of the founding members of the ICISG and served as President for 2001 – 2004, following Doreen Akerman’s first presidency role. Together the ICISG members have much to learn from each other and much to share together to influence globally the quality and delivery of cancer information for people affected by cancer.

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